강 철
지분 파트너 / 북경
연락처 +86-10-5957-2288
무역 컴플라이언스 및 무역구제,크로스보더 투자·인수합병,소송과 중재
강철 변호사의 주요 업무 분야는 무역 컴플라이언스 및 무역구제, 크로스보더 투자와 인수합병, 소송 및 중재 등 업무입니다.
강철 변호사는 무역 컴플라이언스 및 무역구제 분야에서 국내외 반덤핑, 상계관세, 세이프가드 등 수백건의 무역구제 사건을 대리하여 고객에게 국제통상 전 과정의 법률 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
강철 변호사는 크로스보더 투자와 인수합병 분야에서 제조, 자원, 부동산, IT, 엔터테인먼트 등 다양한 산업의 국제투자, M&A에 법률 실사, 협상 및 제반 거래 문서 작성 등 전 과정의 법률 자문을 제공하고 있습니다 .
강철 변호사는 소송 및 중재 분야에서 많은 국제통상 및 국제투자와 관련된 대규모 소송, 중재 사건을 대리하였으며 풍부한 소송 및 중재 실무 경험이 있습니다.
강철 변호사는 1995년 동북재경대학 경제법학과를 졸업하여 법학 학사 학위를 받았으며 2019년 4월부터 김일성종합대학에서 법학박사 과정을 연수하고 있습니다. 2007년 8월 중륜법률사무소에 합류하기 전에 강철 변호사는 베이징 JT&N법률사무소 고급 파트너로 재직하였습니다.
대표 실적
Investment, trade compliance and sanctions response
Represented China Tobacco Hubei Industrial in international expansion and product launch projects in overseas markets.
Represented VIPSHOP (China) in overseas website sales project.
Represented Antaeus Investment Group in Hainan real estate sales project.
Represented HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB in Guangzhou's international trade legal advice project.
Represented a southeast Asia company to invest in North Korea Development Park project.
Represented Seoul Semiconductor in South Korea Information Protection and Competition Prohibited Projects.
Represented Kumho P&B Chemical in China joint venture to operate compliance projects.
Represented CHINA SASAC in international trade-related research projects.
Represented China technology Company in control and sanctions response projects.
Litigation & Arbitration
Represented POSCO Real Estate in litigation and arbitration against a domestic corporation regarding real estate development dispute.
Represented POSCO China against a company regarding purchase and sale contract dispute and bankruptcy claims declaration cases.
Represented POSCO Real Estate against multiple tenants in several rent litigations and arbitrations.
Represented POSCO China Against a Baotou corporation in an equity dispute case.
Represented Doosan Infracore regarding financial lease disputes in several litigation and arbitration cases against several companies across China.
Represented Taiyuan Heavy Industries regarding financial lease and financial loan disputes in several litigation cases.
Represented CJ Beijing regarding shareholder disputes in arbitration and liquidation cases.
Represented CJ China regarding accounts receivable and insurance disputes in litigation and arbitration cases.
Represented Hyundai Corporation in arbitration regarding disputes on purchase and sale contracts of international trade.
Represented Stx Dalian Shipbuilding Regarding credit claims in several litigation and arbitration cases.
Represented KSP regarding bankruptcy liquidation of a company and applying for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.
Represented Germany GfE-MIR against a British Corporation in arbitration at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
Represented KW Automotive against a Chinese automotive Company regarding contractor agreement dispute cases.
Represented SK China regarding relocation dispute case.
Represented SK E&S against a Hubei Corporation in investment dispute cases.
Represented SK GAS regarding Equity transfer dispute case.
Represented Beijing Huaming Borun against a company in a contract dispute litigation case.
Represented Yantai Dayu Shipbuilding in a steel sales dispute case.
Represented Korea Sungil transportation in a equity dispute case.
Represented Korea Combined fiber against a corporation in a forced dissolution litigation.
Represented Hanshancui International Trading regarding contract dispute case.
Represented Hunan Mango Entertainment in a cross-border dispute case between China and South Korea.
Represented Korea Kumkangking in arbitration regarding steel pipe trade disputes.
Represented Korea Leaders Cosmetics in several trademark infringement dispute litigations.
Represented Korea Mirae Industrial against several companies regarding international contracts disputes for the sale of goods.
Represented LX pantos in litigation regarding logistics and transportation contract disputes.
Overseas Investment
Represented Beijing Huaqing Feiyang in its acquisition of a listed company in South Korea.
Represented Beijing Xinpai Media in its acquisition of a listed company in South Korea.
Represented CITIC Juxin in acquiring South Korean companies, selling domestic companies' equity and other projects.
Represented Beijing Rongbai Investment in its legal due diligence project on the target company in South Korea.
Represented Zhejiang Huayou in its acquisition of a South Korean company’s equity and legal due diligence compliance project.
Represented China Huarong Asset in its legal due diligence project on a South Korean real estate company.
Represented Shanghai Douwan Web's legal consulting project on its subscription of the capital increase of a listed South Korean company.
Represented Zhejiang Henglin Chair Industry's legal consulting project on its capital increase in South Korea.
Represented Legend Capital's capital increase and share expansion project in a South Korean company.
Represented Duyi Zipin's strategic cooperation and investment project with a South Korean company.
Represented 2460 (Zhenjiang) in the game licensing cooperation project with a well-known South Korean game company.
Represented Tianjin Master Kong's cooperation project with distributors in South Korea.
Represented TOD's cooperation project with distributors in South Korea.
Represented NAURA in its technical cooperation project in Korea.
Represented Shijiazhuang Shangtai Company in its acquisition of a Korean target company.
Foreign Investment
Represented Hunan Petrochemical's prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project with the target company.
Represented Datang Fuel's legal due diligence project on a mining company.
Represented CCB Investment's legal due diligence project on the target company
Represented Beijing Lotte Foods' equity transfer transaction project.
Represented Airui Biological's legal consulting project on the establishment of a Sino-foreign joint venture in China.
Represented Samsung Electronics's prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project with a number of companies.
Represented Samsung Digital's prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project.
Represented Samsung C&T's legal consulting projects on Beijing real estate development, relocation, and construction etc.
Represented POSI Dalian Logistics' legal due diligence project on its acquisition of a shipping company.
Represented SK Chemicals' prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project in its establishment of a joint venture.
Represented SK E&S in its legal due diligence project on two companies in Zhuhai.
Represented SK China's legal due diligence project on its acquisition of target companies in China.
Represented SK China's legal due diligence project on a Hong Kong shareholder company.
Represented SK GAS in its equity transfer project.
Represented SK GAS in the foreign-invested enterprise liquidation project.
Represented SK Construction Beijing company's liquidation project.
Represented STX Dalian Shipbuilding's restructuring project.
Represented SL Capital in its legal due diligence project on South Korean target companies.
Represented NEDEC's legal due diligence project on multiple target companies in China.
Represented Body Friend's project on Sino-foreign joint venture.
Represented Hana Daetoo's legal consulting project on foreign investment in civil aviation industry.
Represented Lotte Construction's legal consulting project on foreign investment and acquisition of construction enterprise's engineering contracting.
Represented Korea Express' prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project in acquisition of a number of companies.
Represented South Korean synthetic fiber company's consulting project on equity transfer.
Represented South Korean CS wind in foreign-invested enterprise's equity pledge project.
(Has been or is serving) Corporations as long-term legal counsel
Korean Embassy in China Business Office
Korea Trade Association
POSCO Real Estate (Beijing)
Doosan Infracore (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
Doosan (China) Financial Leasing CORP.
SAMSUNG (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
SAMSUNG C&T (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Samsung engineering construction Suzhou
Kumho Petrochemical
Kumho P&B Chemical
SK construction
SK Shipping
CJ China Consulting
Beijing Datang Fuel
LvYue(TianJin) Hotel Management
Beijing Qianyimeng Cultural Media Co., Ltd.
Leaders Cosmetics
Trade Remedies-Inbound
Represented American Smurfit Stone in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning kraft board paper.
Represented American Honda Motor and Honda China in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Cars and SUVs.
Represented American Sidley Austin Law Firm in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by The MOFCOM concerning stainless steel.
Represented France Pernod Richard, Domer Wines Spain and Jean-Michel Cazes in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Australian wine.
Represented JEOL in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning gas chromatograph mass spectrometer.
Represented Japanese Sumitomo Metal Industries in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning stainless seamless steel tube.
Represented Japanese Sumitomo Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning stainless steel seamless tube.
Represented Japanese Kobe Special Tube in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning stainless steel seamless tube.
Represented Japanese Komatsu NTC in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning vertical machining center.
Represented Korean Kumho Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polystyrene.
Represented Korean Kumho Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene butadiene rubber.
Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in anti-dumping investigation case and interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methyl isobutyl ketone.
Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in the consultation on adjustment of import tariffs and anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning bisphenol A.
Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in anti-dumping investigation case and interim and expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning phenol.
Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in an anti-dumping interim review and expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Acetone.
Represented Korean Kumho POLYCHEM in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber.
Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning cold rolled stainless steel sheet.
Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning cold rolled steel products.
Represented Korean POSCO in the safeguard measures of the MOFCOM concerning iron and steel products.
Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel.
Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM relating to grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel .
Represented Korea POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel and hot-rolled stainless steel plate with respect to the change of the anti-dumping entity and the succession of measures.
Represented Korea HDC Polyall in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Polyphenylene sulfide with respect to the succession of measures.
Represented Korean Engineering Plastics in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Polyformaldehyde Copolymer.
Represented Korean CJ Cheil Jedang in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning L-lysine.
Represented Korean CJ Cheil Jedang in the safeguard measures of the MOFCOM to concerning sugar.
Represented CJ Indonesia in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning IMP, GMP and I+G.
Represented CJ Malaysia in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methionine.
Represented SK Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning terephthalic acid.
Represented Korean SK Global Chemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene.
Represented Korean SK Chemicals in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyphenylene sulfide.
Represented Korean Samsung Fine Chemicals in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methylene chloride.
Represented Korean Samsung Fine Chemicals in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polysilicon.
Represented Korean Samsung Fine Chemicals in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning chloroform.
Represented Samsung Petrochemical in anti-dumping investigation case and interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning terephthalic acid.
Represented Hansol Paper in the first anti-dumping investigation case concerning imported newsprint initiated by the MOFCOM.
Represented Korean SKC in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning bi-oriented stretching polyester film.
Reprsenting Korean Sunglim in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyester staple fiber.
Represented Korean HUVIS Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyethylene terephthalate.
Represented Korean LG Chem in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning acrylic ester.
Represented Korean Moorim Paper Mfg in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning coated fine paper.
Represented Korean DC Chemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning phthalic anhydride.
Represented Korean Daesang Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning IMP, GMP and I+G.
Represented Korean Taekwang Industrial in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning spandex.
Represented Korea Zinc in the preliminary consultation of anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning sulphuric acid.
Represented Korean LS Nikko in the preliminary consultation of anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning sulphuric acid.
Represented Korean KPX in an anti-dumping sunset review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning toluene diisocyanate.
Represented Korean KOC in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning hydrazine hydrate.
Represented Korean OCI in an anti-dumping investigation case and interim and expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polysilicon.
Represented Korean Optomagic in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning optical fiber.
Represented Korean Hanwha Total Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene.
Represented Korean Yeochun NCC in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene.
Represented Korea Engineering Plastics in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning POM copolymer.
Represented Korean Taihan Fiberoptics in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning dispersion unshifted single-mode optical fiber.
Represented the Methanol Institute in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methanol.
Represented Huali Group in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning propanol.
Represented Taiwan Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning acetone.
Represented Taiwan Dairen Chemical Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning butanediol.
Represented Taiwan Nan Ya Plastics Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning butanediol.
Represented Taiwan Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyamide-6.
Represented Taiwan Zig Sheng Industrial in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyamide-6.
Represented Taiwan Li Peng Enterprise in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyamide-6.
Represented Changchun Plastics in anti-dumping investigation cases initiated by the MOFCOM concerning phenol and acetone.
Trade Remedies - (Export Response Outbound)
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case initiated by the KTC concerning ethyl acetate originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning rutile titanium dioxide originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning low carbon iron wire originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case initiated by the KTC concerning ceramic tile originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case and injury defense case initiated by the KTC concerning uncoated paper originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning Hardwood plywood originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case initiated by the KTC concerning polypropylene film originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning stainless steel originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning H-sections originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning FULLY DRAWN YARN originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning presensitized aluminum plate for offset printing originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning copper pipes originating in China and Vietnam.
Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning Biaxially oriented polyamide (nylon) film originating in China.
Represented China in anti-dumping and injury investigation review initiated by the KTC concerning PET FILM originating in China.
Represented China in anti-circumvention and anti-dumping investigation review initiated by the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry concerning high-strength polyester yarn HTY products originating in China.
개인 수상
2022년~2023년, Chambers Greater China Region 국제통상/WTO 분야 응소부분 Band 1 "특별추천"변호사
2006년~2021년, Chambers Global, Chambers Asia-Pacific 국제통상/WTO 분야 응소부분 Band 1 "특별추천"변호사, 중국법역 한국법 전문가(Foreign expert for South Korea-China), 한국법역 해외전문가(Expertise based abroad in China-South Korea)
2017년~2024년, The Legal 500 in Asia Pacific “특별추천”변호사
2020년, 2022년Who's Who Legal(WWL) 무역 및 세관 분야 중국 리딩 비즈니스 변호사
2010년,대한민국 대통령 표창장
2003년,대한민국 산업자원부장관 표창장
외부 경력/회원
자격 취득
중국 변호사 1997
동북재경대학교 법학학사
김일성종합대학교 법학박사 과정 -
업무 경력
중륜율사사무소 파트너
금성동달율사사무소 변호사, 파트너 -