
  • 강 철

    지분 파트너 / 북경

  • 연락처 +86-10-5957-2288


  • 업무분야

    무역 컴플라이언스 및 무역구제,크로스보더 투자·인수합병,소송과 중재



강철 변호사의 주요 업무 분야는 무역 컴플라이언스 및 무역구제, 크로스보더 투자와 인수합병, 소송 및 중재 등 업무입니다.
강철 변호사는 무역 컴플라이언스 및 무역구제 분야에서 국내외 반덤핑, 상계관세, 세이프가드 등 수백건의 무역구제 사건을 대리하여 고객에게 국제통상 전 과정의 법률 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
강철 변호사는 크로스보더 투자와 인수합병 분야에서 제조, 자원, 부동산, IT, 엔터테인먼트 등 다양한 산업의 국제투자, M&A에 법률 실사, 협상 및 제반 거래 문서 작성 등 전 과정의 법률 자문을 제공하고 있습니다 .
강철 변호사는 소송 및 중재 분야에서 많은 국제통상 및 국제투자와 관련된 대규모 소송, 중재 사건을 대리하였으며 풍부한 소송 및 중재 실무 경험이 있습니다.
강철 변호사는 1995년 동북재경대학 경제법학과를 졸업하여 법학 학사 학위를 받았으며 2019년 4월부터 김일성종합대학에서 법학박사 과정을 연수하고 있습니다. 2007년 8월 중륜법률사무소에 합류하기 전에 강철 변호사는 베이징 JT&N법률사무소 고급 파트너로 재직하였습니다.

대표 실적

Investment, trade compliance and sanctions response

  • Represented China Tobacco Hubei Industrial in international expansion and product launch projects in overseas markets.

  • Represented VIPSHOP (China) in overseas website sales project.

  • Represented Antaeus Investment Group in Hainan real estate sales project.

  • Represented HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB in Guangzhou's international trade legal advice project.

  • Represented a southeast Asia company to invest in North Korea Development Park project.

  • Represented Seoul Semiconductor in South Korea Information Protection and Competition Prohibited Projects.

  • Represented Kumho P&B Chemical in China joint venture to operate compliance projects.

  • Represented CHINA SASAC in international trade-related research projects.

  • Represented China technology Company in control and sanctions response projects.

Litigation & Arbitration

  • Represented POSCO Real Estate in litigation and arbitration against a domestic corporation regarding real estate development dispute.

  • Represented POSCO China against a company regarding purchase and sale contract dispute and bankruptcy claims declaration cases.

  • Represented POSCO Real Estate against multiple tenants in several rent litigations and arbitrations.

  • Represented POSCO China Against a Baotou corporation in an equity dispute case.

  • Represented Doosan Infracore regarding financial lease disputes in several litigation and arbitration cases against several companies across China.

  • Represented Taiyuan Heavy Industries regarding financial lease and financial loan disputes in several litigation cases.

  • Represented CJ Beijing regarding shareholder disputes in arbitration and liquidation cases.

  • Represented CJ China regarding accounts receivable and insurance disputes in litigation and arbitration cases.

  • Represented Hyundai Corporation in arbitration regarding disputes on purchase and sale contracts of international trade.

  • Represented Stx Dalian Shipbuilding Regarding credit claims in several litigation and arbitration cases.

  • Represented KSP regarding bankruptcy liquidation of a company and applying for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.

  • Represented Germany GfE-MIR against a British Corporation in arbitration at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.

  • Represented KW Automotive against a Chinese automotive Company regarding contractor agreement dispute cases.

  • Represented SK China regarding relocation dispute case.

  • Represented SK E&S against a Hubei Corporation in investment dispute cases.

  • Represented SK GAS regarding Equity transfer dispute case.

  • Represented Beijing Huaming Borun against a company in a contract dispute litigation case.

  • Represented Yantai Dayu Shipbuilding in a steel sales dispute case.

  • Represented Korea Sungil transportation in a equity dispute case.

  • Represented Korea Combined fiber against a corporation in a forced dissolution litigation.

  • Represented Hanshancui International Trading regarding contract dispute case.

  • Represented Hunan Mango Entertainment in a cross-border dispute case between China and South Korea.

  • Represented Korea Kumkangking in arbitration regarding steel pipe trade disputes.

  • Represented Korea Leaders Cosmetics in several trademark infringement dispute litigations.

  • Represented Korea Mirae Industrial against several companies regarding international contracts disputes for the sale of goods.

  • Represented LX pantos in litigation regarding logistics and transportation contract disputes.

Overseas Investment

  • Represented Beijing Huaqing Feiyang in its acquisition of a listed company in South Korea.

  • Represented Beijing Xinpai Media in its acquisition of a listed company in South Korea.

  • Represented CITIC Juxin in acquiring South Korean companies, selling domestic companies' equity and other projects.

  • Represented Beijing Rongbai Investment in its legal due diligence project on the target company in South Korea.

  • Represented Zhejiang Huayou in its acquisition of a South Korean company’s equity and legal due diligence compliance project.

  • Represented China Huarong Asset in its legal due diligence project on a South Korean real estate company.

  • Represented Shanghai Douwan Web's legal consulting project on its subscription of the capital increase of a listed South Korean company.

  • Represented Zhejiang Henglin Chair Industry's legal consulting project on its capital increase in South Korea.

  • Represented Legend Capital's capital increase and share expansion project in a South Korean company.

  • Represented Duyi Zipin's strategic cooperation and investment project with a South Korean company.

  • Represented 2460 (Zhenjiang) in the game licensing cooperation project with a well-known South Korean game company.

  • Represented Tianjin Master Kong's cooperation project with distributors in South Korea.

  • Represented TOD's cooperation project with distributors in South Korea.

  • Represented NAURA in its technical cooperation project in Korea.

  • Represented Shijiazhuang Shangtai Company in its acquisition of a Korean target company.

Foreign Investment 

  • Represented Hunan Petrochemical's prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project with the target company.

  • Represented Datang Fuel's legal due diligence project on a mining company.

  • Represented CCB Investment's legal due diligence project on the target company

  • Represented Beijing Lotte Foods' equity transfer transaction project.

  • Represented Airui Biological's legal consulting project on the establishment of a Sino-foreign joint venture in China.

  • Represented Samsung Electronics's prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project with a number of companies.

  • Represented Samsung Digital's prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project.

  • Represented Samsung C&T's legal consulting projects on Beijing real estate development, relocation, and construction etc.

  • Represented POSI Dalian Logistics' legal due diligence project on its acquisition of a shipping company.

  • Represented SK Chemicals' prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project in its establishment of a joint venture.

  • Represented SK E&S in its legal due diligence project on two companies in Zhuhai.

  • Represented SK China's legal due diligence project on its acquisition of target companies in China.

  • Represented SK China's legal due diligence project on a Hong Kong shareholder company.

  • Represented SK GAS in its equity transfer project.

  • Represented SK GAS in the foreign-invested enterprise liquidation project.

  • Represented SK Construction Beijing company's liquidation project.

  • Represented STX Dalian Shipbuilding's restructuring project.

  • Represented SL Capital in its legal due diligence project on South Korean target companies.

  • Represented NEDEC's legal due diligence project on multiple target companies in China.

  • Represented Body Friend's project on Sino-foreign joint venture.

  • Represented Hana Daetoo's legal consulting project on foreign investment in civil aviation industry.

  • Represented Lotte Construction's legal consulting project on foreign investment and acquisition of construction enterprise's engineering contracting.

  • Represented Korea Express' prior notification of concentrations of undertakings project in acquisition of a number of companies.

  • Represented South Korean synthetic fiber company's consulting project on equity transfer.

  • Represented South Korean CS wind in foreign-invested enterprise's equity pledge project.

(Has been or is serving) Corporations as long-term legal counsel

  • Korean Embassy in China Business Office

  • Korea Trade Association

  • POSCO Korea

  • POSCO-CHINA Holding CORP.  

  • POSCO Real Estate (Beijing)

  • Doosan Infracore (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

  • Doosan (China) Financial Leasing CORP.

  • SAMSUNG (China) Investment Co., Ltd.  

  • SAMSUNG C&T (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.  

  • Samsung engineering construction Suzhou

  • Kumho Petrochemical

  • Kumho P&B Chemical

  • SK E&S

  • SK GAS

  • SK construction

  • SK Shipping


  • CJ China Consulting 

  • Beijing Datang Fuel 

  • LvYue(TianJin) Hotel Management

  • Beijing Qianyimeng Cultural Media Co., Ltd.

  • Leaders Cosmetics


Trade Remedies-Inbound

  • Represented American Smurfit Stone in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning kraft board paper.

  • Represented American Honda Motor and Honda China in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Cars and SUVs.

  • Represented American Sidley Austin Law Firm in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by The MOFCOM concerning stainless steel.

  • Represented France Pernod Richard, Domer Wines Spain and Jean-Michel Cazes in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Australian wine.

  • Represented JEOL in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning gas chromatograph mass spectrometer.

  • Represented Japanese Sumitomo Metal Industries in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning stainless seamless steel tube.

  • Represented Japanese Sumitomo Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning stainless steel seamless tube.

  • Represented Japanese Kobe Special Tube in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning stainless steel seamless tube.

  • Represented Japanese Komatsu NTC in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning vertical machining center.

  • Represented Korean Kumho Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polystyrene.

  • Represented Korean Kumho Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene butadiene rubber.

  • Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in anti-dumping investigation case and interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methyl isobutyl ketone.

  • Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in the consultation on adjustment of import tariffs and anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning bisphenol A.

  • Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in anti-dumping investigation case and interim and expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning phenol.

  • Represented Korean Kumho P&B Chemicals in an anti-dumping interim review and expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Acetone.

  • Represented Korean Kumho POLYCHEM in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber.

  • Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning cold rolled stainless steel sheet.

  • Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning cold rolled steel products.

  • Represented Korean POSCO in the safeguard measures of the MOFCOM concerning iron and steel products.

  • Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel.

  • Represented Korean POSCO in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM relating to grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel .

  • Represented Korea POSCO in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel and hot-rolled stainless steel plate with respect to the change of the anti-dumping entity and the succession of measures.

  • Represented Korea HDC Polyall in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Polyphenylene sulfide with respect to the succession of measures.

  • Represented Korean Engineering Plastics in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning Polyformaldehyde Copolymer.

  • Represented Korean CJ Cheil Jedang in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning L-lysine.

  • Represented Korean CJ Cheil Jedang in the safeguard measures of the MOFCOM to concerning sugar.

  • Represented CJ Indonesia in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning IMP, GMP and I+G.

  • Represented CJ Malaysia in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methionine.

  • Represented SK Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning terephthalic acid.

  • Represented Korean SK Global Chemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene.

  • Represented Korean SK Chemicals in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyphenylene sulfide.

  • Represented Korean Samsung Fine Chemicals in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methylene chloride.

  • Represented Korean Samsung Fine Chemicals in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polysilicon.

  • Represented Korean Samsung Fine Chemicals in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning chloroform.

  • Represented Samsung Petrochemical in anti-dumping investigation case and interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning terephthalic acid.

  • Represented Hansol Paper in the first anti-dumping investigation case concerning imported newsprint initiated by the MOFCOM.

  • Represented Korean SKC in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning bi-oriented stretching polyester film.

  • Reprsenting Korean Sunglim in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyester staple fiber.

  • Represented Korean HUVIS Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyethylene terephthalate.

  • Represented Korean LG Chem in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning acrylic ester.

  • Represented Korean Moorim Paper Mfg in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning coated fine paper.

  • Represented Korean DC Chemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning phthalic anhydride.

  • Represented Korean Daesang Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning IMP, GMP and I+G.

  • Represented Korean Taekwang Industrial in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning spandex.

  • Represented Korea Zinc in the preliminary consultation of anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning sulphuric acid.

  • Represented Korean LS Nikko in the preliminary consultation of anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning sulphuric acid.

  • Represented Korean KPX in an anti-dumping sunset review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning toluene diisocyanate.

  • Represented Korean KOC in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning hydrazine hydrate.

  • Represented Korean OCI in an anti-dumping investigation case and interim and expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polysilicon.

  • Represented Korean Optomagic in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning optical fiber.

  • Represented Korean Hanwha Total Petrochemical in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene.

  • Represented Korean Yeochun NCC in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning styrene.

  • Represented Korea Engineering Plastics in an anti-dumping interim review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning POM copolymer.

  • Represented Korean Taihan Fiberoptics in an anti-dumping expiry review initiated by the MOFCOM concerning dispersion unshifted single-mode optical fiber.

  • Represented the Methanol Institute in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning methanol.

  • Represented Huali Group in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning propanol.

  • Represented Taiwan Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning acetone.

  • Represented Taiwan Dairen Chemical Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning butanediol.

  • Represented Taiwan Nan Ya Plastics Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning butanediol.

  • Represented Taiwan Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyamide-6.

  • Represented Taiwan Zig Sheng Industrial in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyamide-6.

  • Represented Taiwan Li Peng Enterprise in an anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the MOFCOM concerning polyamide-6.

  • Represented Changchun Plastics in anti-dumping investigation cases initiated by the MOFCOM concerning phenol and acetone.

Trade Remedies - (Export Response Outbound)

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case initiated by the KTC concerning ethyl acetate originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning rutile titanium dioxide originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning low carbon iron wire originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case initiated by the KTC concerning ceramic tile originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case and injury defense case initiated by the KTC concerning uncoated paper originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning Hardwood plywood originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation review case initiated by the KTC concerning polypropylene film originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning stainless steel originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning H-sections originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning FULLY DRAWN YARN originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning presensitized aluminum plate for offset printing originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning copper pipes originating in China and Vietnam.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping investigation case initiated by the KTC concerning Biaxially oriented polyamide (nylon) film originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-dumping and injury investigation review initiated by the KTC concerning PET FILM originating in China.

  • Represented China in anti-circumvention and anti-dumping investigation review initiated by the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry concerning high-strength polyester yarn HTY products originating in China.


개인 수상

2022년~2023년, Chambers Greater China Region 국제통상/WTO 분야 응소부분 Band 1 "특별추천"변호사

2006년~2021년, Chambers Global, Chambers Asia-Pacific 국제통상/WTO 분야 응소부분 Band 1 "특별추천"변호사, 중국법역 한국법 전문가(Foreign expert for South Korea-China), 한국법역 해외전문가(Expertise based abroad in China-South Korea)

2017년~2024년, The Legal 500 in Asia Pacific “특별추천”변호사

2020년, 2022년Who's Who Legal(WWL) 무역 및 세관 분야 중국 리딩 비즈니스 변호사

2010년,대한민국 대통령 표창장

2003년,대한민국 산업자원부장관 표창장

외부 경력/회원


  • 자격 취득

    중국 변호사 1997

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    동북재경대학교 법학학사
    김일성종합대학교 법학박사 과정

  • 업무 경력

    중륜율사사무소 파트너
    금성동달율사사무소 변호사, 파트너

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