Liu Hong-huan Gave Key-note Speech at Second Annual Conference on Enterprises’ Prevention of Disputes
Liu Hong-huan Gave Key-note Speech at Second Annual Conference on Enterprises’ Prevention of Disputes
The Second Annual Conference on Enterprises’ Prevention of Disputes was held in Shanghai during August 30 to 31 of this year. The event was sponsored by LexisNexis, a internationally announced legal media firm. Representing the firm Ms. Liu Hong-huan, a senior partner at the firm’s litigation & arbitration department delivered a key-note speech in title of How to Handle Product Liability Disputes in China.
Sharing her practice experience with audience mainly from top international enterprises, Ms Liu analyzed basic concerns in representing foreign clients in defense of product liability cases before Chinese courts, including spotting of core legal issues, litigation strategy planning, control of exposure of product liability cases and enhancing efficient dispute settlement. She explained the general situations and some particular concerns in product liability cases in China, and particularly she analyzed some misunderstandings of legal proceedings in Chinese courts, certain technical tips for procedural matters, such as judicial verification and expert witness system, and basic rules and techniques that a manufacturer should be aware of when defense in product liability litigation in China.